Creatures of the Night

An interactive event exploring the science of night through art.

Set in a tropical paradise, audiences follow a narrow path under a glass pyramid and the night sky encountering; soundscapes, sculptures, light installations and an immersive digital experience.

Featuring Artists:


In The Eyes of the Animal

Marshmallow Laser Feast

In The Eyes of the Animals is a 360 experience, which allows audience members to see the forest through the eyes of three different species throughout their individual life cycles. This version is made for google cardboard and supported by The Space which helps great art projects reach new audiences. The original installation of the work also featured sculptural virtual reality headsets, and toured to natural environments in the UK and internationally.

In the Eyes of the Animal is originally commissioned by Abandon Normal Devices and Forestry Commission England’s Forest Art Works. Produced by Abandon Normal Devices and Marshmallow Laser Feast.


Untitled, Homo Bulla & Black Hole

Lumen- Louise Beer, Melanie King, Rebecca Huxley

Lumen are an art and astronomy collective who use practice and research, exhibitions, seminars and residencies to raise a dialogue on how humanity understands its existence. The practices of the three artists are focused on exploring how the invisible in space can manifest itself on Earth and the works shown at Plantasia explore the representation of black holes, voids and the so far unexplainable.


Night Shifts

Julieann O'Malley

“More than 3 million people in the UK work night shifts but research points to negative health risks.” The Guardian

Night Shifts is a multi-layered performance influenced by the work of Allan Kaprow and Augusto Boal, investigating the value and effects of a night shift on workers through invisible theatre.

A tintinnabulation of cosmic scintillation

Suzie Shrubb with Kirstie Howell

Out in the darkness of space a chorus of pulsars sing their radio wave song into the cosmos. The music of this piece corresponds to signals produced by pulsars in the 47 Tucanae cluster that travel unimaginably vast distances and are given voice on Earth.



Thommie Gillow, Rebecca Hurwitz and Liz Lister

Of over 150 craters on the moon named after real people, just 28 are named after women. Moonbrella explores the stories of some of these women through the craters that bear their names.


Sleep Laboratory

Professor Mark Blagrove, Swansea University and Dr Julia Lockheart, Goldsmiths, University of London

Audiences discussed a recent dream with Professor Blagrove and followed a technique that is used to match parts of the dream with the dreamer’s recent waking life events. Julia Lockheart, an artist based at Goldsmiths, University of London, created a real time illustration, capturing audiences dream stories.


Light Pollution

Dr Thomas Davies, Exeter University

The impact of artificial lighting on plants and invertebrates with Dr Thomas Davies.

Dr Thomas Davies is a conservation ecologist researching the impacts of nighttime lighting on plants and animals on the land and in the sea. He has been working on the European Research Council funded ECOLIGHT project at the University of Exeter for five years.

*Image of installation by Lumen.

Supported by The British Science Association.

